Islamic Parenting of toddlers

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It's nearly impossible to find a comprehensive guide on how to approach toddlers in the way of the Sunnah! Well, this is finally it (practical tips and examples included).

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    “I was struggling so bad with my toddler. I wanted a modern day approach that was deeply rooted in the Sunnah and the way the Prophet PBUH parenting. This guide has been a life saver! I now know exactly what to expect in each stage of my child's behavior and how to Islamically approach them.”



    What ages does it cover

    • The guide mostly applies to ages 1-4 years, but can be often be used for up to 6 years old.

    What is it all about?

    • How to stop toddler tantrums, how to parent a toddler by the Sunnah, how to get your toddler to actually cooperate and much more!